The diagnosis "prostatitis" is given to men when acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate is detected. The disease can be triggered by both infectious and non-infectious factors - impaired innervation of the prostate, stagnant processes in the small pelvis, lowered immunity, etc.
According to the latest data, about a third of men of working age over 30 have had inflammation of the prostate at least once, after 50 years the disease is diagnosed in more than 50% of the male population, mostly in a chronic form. For that reasonprevention of prostatitis in menis becoming one of the main measures aimed at maintaining health in elderly men, as well as extending the overall life expectancy, since prostatitis has many adverse complications, including prostate cancer.
Prevention of prostatitis: the earlier the better
Urologists recommend taking preventive measures against inflammation of the prostate to every man over the age of 30. From this point on, the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate increases significantly.
It is necessary to start prevention of prostatitis at an earlier age if the following factors determine the occupation of a man:
- Prolonged driving accompanied by shaking - drivers of cars and heavy trucks, drivers;
- long sitting in one place - office workers;
- regular exposure to conditions with low temperatures and high humidity.
Using the simplest methods of prevention of prostatitis in youth, a person can enjoy a full life and quality sexual relations, as well as increase his life expectancy, preventing the dangerous consequences of this disease.
Prostatitis prevention guidelines
With age, natural processes begin to take place in the body of each person, which can weaken local and general immunity, which leads to an increased risk of developing various diseases. If we talk about preserving men's health, the main goals of such prevention will be the following:
- prevention of congestion in the small pelvis and in particular the prostate gland;
- strengthening the immune system;
- protection against infections;
- keeping the pelvic muscles in tone.
- Such measures will help prevent not only prostatitis, but also the development of many other urological problems.
Primary prevention
Primary prevention of any disease always involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As for prostatitis, it is necessary to prevent the factors that are the main causes of the disease - congestion in the pelvis, infection, hypothermia, etc. Simple methods of primary prevention are suitable for men who have never encountered this disease before.
Preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of inflammation of the prostate:
- Regular balanced diet. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, polyunsaturated fats and other beneficial substances, along with avoiding "junk" foods, contributes to the overall health of the body, which of course means strengthening the immune system and protection from many diseases, including inflammatory ones. It is important to drink enough water a day - this is necessary to prevent stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland.
- Sports activities. It is great if a man has the opportunity to visit the gym several times a week and perform a set of exercises aimed at maintaining general tone. A good alternative is regular jogging, swimming, hockey, tennis and other sports. You can buy a treadmill for your home - 20 minutes of daily running or brisk walking will normalize blood flow in the pelvic area and minimize the likelihood of developing prostatitis.
- It is useful to walk in the fresh air every day. In addition, urologists recommend performing simple morning exercises aimed at improving general blood flow and stretching the main muscle groups. Such well-known exercises as "birch", "bridge", "bicycle" are suitable as daily measures for the primary prevention of prostatitis - they train the pelvic muscles well and are easy to perform.
- Stimulating the flow of secretions. Sex is ideal for these purposes - regular intimate relations not only promote the outflow of secretions from the prostate, but also improve blood circulation in the pelvis, improve the tone of the whole body and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere of a man, which is important for maintaining overall health. Masturbation is also encouraged to stimulate secretions.
- Prevention of STI infection. Infections are one of the main causes of prostatitis, so it is important to prevent contracting infectious diseases, especially those that are sexually transmitted. To do this, you must have a trusted sexual partner and avoid casual relationships or at least use condoms.
- Kegel exercises. The simplest exercise to train the pubococcygeus muscles can improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. To find out how to strain them, you should try to hold the stream for a few seconds while urinating, then perform a similar manipulation with an empty bladder. Repeat this exercise as often as possible throughout the day.
Secondary prevention of prostatitis
It is necessary for men who have already had an acute or subacute inflammatory process of the prostate gland, as well as for patients diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, when the main goal of prevention is a stable remission of the disease. Usually, preventive measures are prescribed immediately after the patient undergoes treatment for the acute stage of this disease.
First of all, the prevention of prostatitis includes regular visits to a urologist: only a qualified specialist can fully assess the clinical picture and chooseprophylactic drugs for prostatitisnecessary in each specific case. Here it is important to consider the treatment methods used in the acute stage of the disease. In the first year after the treatment of prostatitis, patients are registered and recommended to visit a urologist every 3 months, in the next 3 years a man must visit a doctor every 6 months.
Treatment and prevention of prostatitisare closely related to each other: already at the stage of treatment of subacute inflammation, the doctor can recommend exercises and drugs that have a more preventive and strengthening effect. At the same time, against the background of long-term prophylaxis, situations may arise when additional prescription of drugs is necessary to treat the emerging pathology and prevent the development of acute inflammation.
Secondary prevention of prostatitis includes:
- use of drugs and nutritional supplements;
- prostate massage;
- special physical education.
At the same time, you should not neglect the methods of primary prevention, because their action will help to quickly restore men's health, and with long-term compliance with the above recommendations, the risks of chronification of the disease are minimized.
Medicines to prevent prostatitis
For preventive purposes, drugs based on natural ingredients that stimulate the functioning of the prostate gland are mainly prescribed. At the same time, as part of the complex treatment and subsequent prevention of prostatitis, drugs with multidirectional effects can be used - immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, etc.
It is worth noting that any medicine, including nutritional supplements, can be taken only after consulting a urologist. Independent selection of a prophylactic is unacceptable!
It is gaining a lot of popularitytablets for the prevention of prostatitis- nutritional supplements with components derived from bovine prostate. They have a significant impact on the functioning of the male prostate gland:
- stimulates its activity;
- counteracts inflammatory processes in the prostate;
- increased production of secretions;
- normalization of prostate metabolism;
- relieve swelling;
- preventing stagnation.
What should I take to prevent prostatitis?
During a consultation with a urologist, you can choose one of the following drugs in the form of tablets or suppositories. They have a narrowly targeted effect: the active components penetrate the prostate area through the rectal wall. Such drugs have practically no contraindications and side effects, so they can be prescribed in the presence of concomitant diseases.
If the patient has a history of prostatitis caused by an infection, to preserve men's health, it is necessary to additionally use immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. For men with a history of infectious prostatitis, after completion of the acute stage of the disease, Polyoxidonium or Viferon 4 is prescribed. Prostatitis of bacterial etiology involves taking antibacterial drugs, selected individually after testing for sensitivity to antibiotics.
Prevention of chronic prostatitisin men, it requires regular use of prostate-stimulating drugs. For long courses, nutritional supplements that contain powerful natural ingredients are suitable. For such patients, the urologist may prescribe the following tablets:
- Dietary supplement based on dry extract of the Chinese cordyceps mushroom;
- A drug whose active substance is crushed fruit of a dwarf palm tree;
- Medicinal product based on water- and fat-soluble pollen fractions from wheat, rye and meadow timothy.
The preventive complex should additionally include vitamins. They improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood flow in the small pelvis and serve as additional prevention for the development of prostate adenoma and cancer. The most important vitamins for the prevention of prostatitis are A, D, E and K.
In the pharmacy, you can buy complex preparations that already contain all the vitamins and other useful components necessary for the prevention of prostatitis. The composition includes vitamin E, honey, L-glutamine and L-alanine, zinc, lysine, as well as extracts of Icelandic moss, pumpkin seeds, dwarf palm, burdock and many other natural components useful for the normal functioning of the prostate gland.
Prostate massage
This procedure precisely affects the area where the prostate gland is located, increasing blood flow to it. This allows the prostate to saturate itself with oxygen and nutrients that the gland will receive from the bloodstream. In addition, massage will improve the effectiveness of drugs used to treat or prevent prostatitis.
The massage is performed in two ways:
- Externally: massage movements are performed in the area between the anus and the scrotum.
- Transrectally: the massage is performed by inserting a finger through the anus into the rectum and directly affecting the gland. For the same purposes, you can buy a special massager.
Each of the techniques requires training from a specialist. During the massage, only gentle movements lasting no more than 2 minutes are allowed. To carry it out, it is better to consult a urologist. It is important to know that prostate massage is not performed in the acute stage of the disease! In this case, it is first recommended to undergo a course of treatment of the inflammatory process.
In order to improve the functioning of the prostate gland, it is recommended to undergo a course of exercise therapy, where a specialist will select applicable physical exercises for a man, aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvis, as well as increasing the general tone of the body. body.